Have you ever noticed, while using your personal computer, it will not allow you to download the things you would like to download. This may have been the case when you were trying to download software such as videos, software, new drivers, new applications, and other things similar to this. This may have been because your antivirus software isn’t recognizing the items you are trying to download properly. If this is happening to you, this simply means that you need to learn how to disable your antivirus software properly. If you are using Avast Antivirus, then the steps to disable this are fairly simple and easy to follow.
Step 1:
First you have to locate the triangle on the main Windows taskbar. This taskbar is located on the right side of the main Windows taskbar. This triangle icon located on the taskbar is known as the system tray. Next, after you have located the system tray, click on the triangle icon and then next, locate the Avast icon from the list.
Step 2:
After you have clicked on the Avast icon, your next step is to click on “Avast Shields control”. After you have clicked on the Avast Shields control, your next step is to decide on how long you would like to disable the Avast antivirus software for. You will have four options listed on how long to disable the software including: 10 minutes, 1 hour, until the computer is restarted, or permanently.
Step 3:
Next, you will be asked by your personal computer if you would like to confirm this operation from the virus software. There will be a green button that pops up in your screen that reads “Ok, Stop”. Go ahead and click that option on the pop-up alert to confirm this operation.
Step 4:
The next, and last step is how to re-enable the antivirus software after you have disabled it. First, you will return to the system tray on the Windows taskbar, and click on it. After you have clicked on this, click on “Avast shields control” and then click on “enable all shields”. After you have clicked this option, your antivirus software will be re-enabled.
This is a detailed explanation on how you temporarily disable and then re-enable the Avast antivirus software. Temporarily disabling Avast Antivirus is a great choice if you would like to temporarily not have your programs blocking your downloads, but you do not want to uninstall the software completely.